Tag Archives: drawing


My garden is full of bluebells just now, they thread themselves through the other plants in the borders and pop up all over the place. The wash of lovely soft purply-blues have cheered me up on the cold rainy days we`ve been having lately. I popped out on a rare moment of sunshine the other day to take some photos.

I`ve been looking forward to a walk in our local bluebell woods, where there are whole swathes and carpets of bluebells growing under beech trees. I`ll try to go next week, hopefully the weather will be a bit drier and the path leading to the wood won`t be such a quagmire.

I had a walk in the rain yesterday and found lots of wild bluebells, even some in a mini wood. The wild bluebells are much darker and smaller than the garden ones. The little dots of blue really stood out against all the wet, green leaves of the undergrowth, and the dampness brought out their fresh scent.

When I got home I brought some bluebells in from the garden to draw.

They are really more purple than blue when you look closely, with tiny streaks of turquoise. I like the way the bells grow in all directions.

I`d like to try some embroideries based on these drawings, but in the meantime I made another little heart brooch inspired by bluebell colours.

A little posy to enjoy on my kitchen windowsill.

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Filed under drawing, little heart brooch, my garden