
A collection of distinctive accessories, handmade in Scotland by Lisa Toppin. Made from mostly recycled and vintage materials, each piece is unique.

4 responses to “Agnes&Cora

  1. Lovely, lovely! Well done you. Loving the new brooches x

  2. Rita

    Well done Lisa, I absolutely love your pages.I know mum would have been so proud of you.I wear all the stuff you made for me with pride.

  3. France's Davies

    I am I interested in purchasing a blue butterfly can you please let me know a price guide. They all look lovely

    • Hi Frances, lovely to hear from you.
      My butterflies range from £28 – £38. There is a blue butterfly in my Etsy shop at the moment, it`s a largish Holly Blue and costs £35. If you would like to order one, just let me know (although my order book is rather full!)

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