Tag Archives: brooches

Valentine`s Hearts.

During the past few weeks, I`ve been busy making lots of Valentine`s and Mothers` day brooches for my stockists. They all needed a good topping up after Christmas and I enjoyed making some pretty brooches that look forward to Spring.

Hearts galore for Valentine`s day! These round heart brooches are new.

valentines hearts 1

valentines hearts 2

valentines hearts 3

More little stitched hearts and tweed hearts.

valentines hearts 4

valentines hearts 5

valentines hearts 6

valentines hearts 7

valentines hearts 8

valentines hearts 9valentines hearts 10

Some more stitched flowers, pretty for Spring and perfect for Mothers` day.

vh 11 (stitched flowers)

vh 12 (stitched flowers)

vh 13 (stitched flowers)

Another batch of layered corsages. I`m so pleased that these are selling really well. They`re my favourites at the moment, I`ve been wearing one almost every day!

vh 14 (layered corsage)

vh 15 (layered corsage)

vh 16 (layered corsage)

I also had a couple of commissions last month, for a wedding fascinator and a Jaunty Jim cap.

vh 17 (fascinator)

vh 18 (fascinator)

vh 19 (JJ cap)

These were people who had found me online and it has made me determined to get on with my online shop. Now that my stockists are topped up it will be my next plan of action!

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Filed under fascinators, flower brooch, hair accessories, Jaunty Jim caps, layered corsage, little heart brooch, recycled fabric, tweed heart brooch

More Decoupage…

This has been a busy week, I`ve been catching up with more Jaunty Jim caps, making some new fascinators and doing lots more decoupage work.

There are some more wall panels, photoframes and a fresh batch of decoupage brooches.

Each piece is a labour of love, I seem to spend more and more time over them as I slowly build up the layers of papers.

My collection of papers is growing too, with more vintage-style scraps, folders full of magazine and catalogue clippings, recycled gift wrap and pieces from old books.

My boyfriend let me plunder his childhood stamp collection and gave me on old stamp book to store stamps in. They are sorted not by country or age, but by colour! I think they look beautiful like this!

There is now a lovely selection of wall panels and a fresh batch of decoupage brooches available in Miss Katie Cupcake, Cockburn Street, Edinburgh. They fit in perfectly in her beautiful shop.

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Filed under decoupage, Decoupage brooches, recycled papers

Embroidered Brooches

Here are some new mini embroidered brooches that I`ve been making for my stockists for this Spring.

I`ve done versions of the larger size for the last couple of years and they have been very popular, as well as being my favourite of my brooches to wear myself, but the new wee ones are even sweeter! I love making them, they`re just so cute! They are just 3.5cm in diameter and are hand embroidered and beaded onto vintage printed linens. Even the backs are sweet with the pin stitched onto a toning printed cotton (I always put thought into the backs of my round brooches!) They would look nice on a favourite cardi, perhaps pinned in groups of two or three…

The mini brooches are definately going to be joining their big `sisters` as a permanent part of my collection!



Filed under embroidered brooches, hand embroidery