
I`m finally getting around to having an online presence for my work after being in business for over three years…
I design and make a range of accessories using mostly recycled and vintage materials. I hand make everything at home in my tiny cottage in Fife, Scotland.

If you`re wondering about the name of my label, Agnes and Cora were the names of my grandmothers.
Agnes was my Scottish Granny. She was a no-nonsense kind of lady, very down to earth, but also kind and loving and had a wicked sense of humour. She was very thrifty and loved a bargain. Nothing was ever wasted in Granny and Grandad`s house. Granny also loved to embroider and taught me embroidery stitches and how to knit and crochet.

Cora was my English Nana. I remember her as a very stylish lady, always well coordinated! Old photos confirm this- although she was never well off she was always beautifully turned out. I remember she had matching handbags and shoes! Cora and her sister were famous local beauties in their youth.

So when I was searching for a name for my label, the names of my grandmothers came quite quickly to mind.
They seemed to work perfectly with my work; Agnes reflecting the Scottish fabrics, the thrifty aspect of recycling and the love of hand sewing; while Cora reflects the joy of dressing up and adding a well-chosen accessory to an outfit.

My grandmothers are even reflected in the fabrics I use; the combination of the sturdy Scottish tweeds and tartans contrasted with English chintzes and vintage lace, scarves, buttons and beads. Also every time I attach my label to something I`ve made, those two wonderful ladies are in my thoughts!


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