
My garden is full of bluebells just now, they thread themselves through the other plants in the borders and pop up all over the place. The wash of lovely soft purply-blues have cheered me up on the cold rainy days we`ve been having lately. I popped out on a rare moment of sunshine the other day to take some photos.

I`ve been looking forward to a walk in our local bluebell woods, where there are whole swathes and carpets of bluebells growing under beech trees. I`ll try to go next week, hopefully the weather will be a bit drier and the path leading to the wood won`t be such a quagmire.

I had a walk in the rain yesterday and found lots of wild bluebells, even some in a mini wood. The wild bluebells are much darker and smaller than the garden ones. The little dots of blue really stood out against all the wet, green leaves of the undergrowth, and the dampness brought out their fresh scent.

When I got home I brought some bluebells in from the garden to draw.

They are really more purple than blue when you look closely, with tiny streaks of turquoise. I like the way the bells grow in all directions.

I`d like to try some embroideries based on these drawings, but in the meantime I made another little heart brooch inspired by bluebell colours.

A little posy to enjoy on my kitchen windowsill.

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Filed under drawing, little heart brooch, my garden

Fabric Finds.

I`ve just discovered that my favourite charity shop now has a fabric rail! Here are some of today`s finds:

This lovely vintage embroidered linen cushion cover was only 20p! I love the old curtain fabric too.







More embroidered traycloths to add to my collection!

The best find was this gorgeous length of 50`s (I think) print on a satin weave fabric. It reminds me of the apple blossom in my garden. I like the pale sky-blue background too.

I do try to use mainly recycled fabrics in my work, but now and then I can`t resist a fat quarter. Because I use such tiny amounts of fabric, a quarter metre can last me ages, even years. I had to stock up on thread in our local haberdashers today and decided to treat myself to these packs of fat quarters by John Louden.

I couldn`t resist these tiny stars and really liked the muted colours.

This pack with its subtle blues and tiny scattered letters was a must-have too.

I`m sure I`ll really enjoy using them for lots of future projects!


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Filed under fabric finds, vintage fabric

Bumble Bees.

I`m very lucky to have a sewing room, but it faces to the front of the house, so if I have hand sewing to finish, I`ll usually take it through to the kitchen table so I can look out to the garden. Quite often in Spring there will be a gentle tap (or bump) at the window and it will be a newly emerged bumble bee, trying to get to the jug of flowers on the window sill.

I think bumble bees are gorgeous, so fat and furry you just want to stroke them! They are the first bees to emerge in Spring and a sure sign that Winter is over.

I`d been thinking about bees this week, after having a dream that I made some pin cushions with busy bees on them. I wanted to have a go at stitching some bees, using the same layered technique I`ve been using for my heart brooches.

This was my first attempt:

It wasn`t quite right, so I decided to sketch some bees in the garden on the one sunny afternoon we had this week.

I love sketching animals from life, such a nice free and scribbly way to draw. I really should make time for more drawing, I enjoyed scribbling these little bees.

Then I did a couple of embroideries straight from the drawings. These were much better. I`m pleased with them, I think they look quite life-like, but with the same loose, sketchy feel.

I`m not sure what I`m going to do with them yet, perhaps they could be details on cushions, but I`m feeling inspired to carry on with this way of working- maybe birds will be my next project…


Filed under bees, drawing, embroidery

More Little Heart Brooches…

I`ve been happily making more of these little stitched hearts all week and I`m so pleased with them! My first batch was delivered to Flux and the Lucie Fenton Gallery today and I was almost sorry to see them go! I really enjoy making them and they`ve been inspiring me for future projects. I like the subtle blend of the different colours and patterns and the way the stitching gives them an almost faded look. They`re quite delicate and much smaller than most of my brooches. I`ve enjoyed looking out my tiniest shell buttons and vintage pearls to finish them off.

I`ve been thinking of other ways of using this technique and in between sewing the hearts there`s been lots of doodling  going on… Looking forward to starting some new work, but time for a few more hearts first!

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Filed under little heart brooch, recycled fabrics, Uncategorized

New Little Heart Brooch.

I made this little brooch late last night and I really love it! I`d been making more of my new daisies yesterday and in the evening I couldn`t stop thinking about the technique, wondering how else I could use it. I went back into my sewing room before bed (or I should say climbed in! It`s really messy just now with lots of cotton fabric strewn everywhere and my sewing machine is at the centre of a giant nest!) and fiddled around for an hour or two, and the result was this wee brooch.

I`m really pleased with (in fact I wore it all day today!). I keep thinking up lots of ways I can use the technique, but first I`m going to make more little hearts. In fact tomorrow is going to be a daisy and heart making day, even though I had planned to get started on more papier mache work. Oh well, go with the flow!

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Filed under little heart brooch, recycled fabrics

New Daisies.

These are some new little daisy brooches that I`ve been working on this week.

Tiny scraps of vintage cottons have been layered on to felt to create the petals. I seem to be working this way more and more, layering and blending fabrics the way I do with papers. I like the way that the paper side of my work has naturally started influencing the fabric side. I love the collagey, fragmented feel that it gives to these flowers.

The daisies are finished off with a vintage shell button at the centre. They are deliberately asymmetrical to give a cute, quirky look.

I`ve become a bit addicted to making these flowers over the last couple of days, it means I can dig out my collection of cotton scraps and have a good play, mixing and blending colours and patterns, something I really enjoy doing!

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Filed under recycled fabrics

Busy Days

I`ve just had a busy two weeks, making stock to top up Flux, the Lucie Fenton Gallery and Miss Katie Cupcake, plus working on a collection for a new stockist, The Wild Thistle in Braemar.

What a complete contrast the two weeks were! The gorgeous first week felt like we had by-passed Spring and gone straight to Summer. I spent long days in the garden, sewing in the sun. I love sewing in the garden, surrounded by birdsong with my trusty radio at my elbow (radio 4 all day!).

I made owls and birds;

cotton rosebud corsages;

more embroidered brooches;

tweed heart brooches;

the tulle and lace brooches and finally, rosette corsages;

Then last week I was huddled next to the radiator, watching snow falling outside! I made a huge batch of decoupage brooches. Sticky fingers all week!

I`ve been using a lot more stamps with this batch.

I made some using Queen`s head stamps to celebrate her jubilee. I even did a version of red white and blue. The Queen looks so beautiful in these 1950`s stamps.

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Filed under bird brooches, decoupage, Decoupage brooches, embroidered brooches, hand embroidery, lace and tulle brooches, my garden, owl brooches, recycled fabrics, recycled papers, rosette corsages

Pale and Interesting

I saw this gorgeous tulle in palest oyster in John Lewis a couple of weeks ago and bought half a metre to have a play with.







It coincided with lots of white flowers appearing in the garden. I love white on white, so fresh and pretty and really evocative of Spring.













I made these pretty corsages while sitting out in the garden, basking in the warm sun the week before last.

They combine recycled linen with the tulle and vintage lace, with a cluster of vintage crystals and pearls in the centre.

Very sweet and pretty, just right for a Spring wedding. Making them really fitted in with the gorgeous weather of that week, then last week we had white on white of a different sort- snow blizzards and hail!


Filed under lace and tulle brooches, recycled fabric

More Fascinators!

My new mini fascinators have been in Miss Katie Cupcake for a week and have been selling so well I`ve had to make more! Hooray!!

I`m loving the mix of gorgeous silks with vintage tartans.

Katie has definately helped with sales as she looks so great while modelling one!

I`m growing my hair a little longer again so I can wear it up and pop a little fascinator in at will!

A visit to Miss Katie Cupcake is definately advised just now as she has recently got lots more lovely stock in and her beautiful shop is absolutely crammed with gorgeous goodies. The fascinators are £24.

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Filed under fascinators, hair accessories, recycled fabrics

Loopy Brooches.

Hooray for vintage ties! This lovely lot is a selection from my new tie collection and I`m loving dipping into this goldmine of mini textiles. This week I decided to make some more loopy brooches.

I`ve been making versions of these brooches for a couple of years and they are always a favourite to make. I used to make them from vintage furnishing fabrics but now I enjoy using my new love- vintage ties!

Two beaded loops are finished off with vintage buttons. A few strategically placed sequins add a touch of sparkle. They are easy to wear and look great on the lapel of a jacket .

I`ll be topping up my stockists with more loopy brooches, remembering to put some away for my online shop, which I promise is coming soon…..!

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Filed under loopy brooches, recycled fabric, vintage ties